Nursery Rhymes


The canine strain of the distemper virus can affect a wide range of organs including the eyes, skin, brain and the intestinal and respiratory tracts. Unfortunately the disease, even when rapidly diagnosed and treated, is often fatal especially in puppies.

Picture of a Dog Skeleton

Dog Health Issues - Description of Distemper
Distemper is an acute, highly contagious, viral disease which is transmitted through the air or via body secretions. Canine distemper virus is fatal to 80 percent of the puppies and 50 percent of the adult dogs that contract it. Canine distemper is a paramyxovirus - a member of the family of single-stranded RNA viruses such as the mumps and measles.

Dog Health Problems - Symptoms of Distemper

Distemper is marked by nasal and eye discharge, twitching, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting and seizures. Food is often refused. The virus produces abnormalities of the puppies developing enamel and the foot pads  may become thickened hence the alternative name of hard pad.

Dog Health Questions - Dogs susceptible to Distemper
Dogs of any age can be affected however the majority are young puppies. The mortality rate is believed to be as high as 80% - the deaths predominately occurring in puppies or old dogs.

Distemper Vaccinations
It is imperative that all dogs are given Distemper Vaccinations starting during the first few weeks of a puppies life. The Distemper Vaccinations should then be given yearly for life to prevent the occurrence of this dangerous canine disease.

Dog Health Information - Treatment of Distemper
There is no specific treatment for canine distemper which is why it is so imperative to reduce the frequency and spread of the disease through a regular program of vaccinations.

Dog Health Advice
We hope that the canine health information and dog health advice has been of some assistance. But please remember that if you are in doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Health Specialist.

Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems
The sole purpose of the Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems is as a reference manual to provide useful information to dog and puppy owners. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat sick dogs or as a substitute for obtaining professional veterinary advice. Please remember that if you are in any doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Veterinary Specialist immediately.

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