Nursery Rhymes

Kennel Cough
(Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis)

Kennel Cough is found worldwide, it is an upper respiratory disease caused by various viruses and bacteria. A high percentage of dogs will contract Kennel Cough during their lifetime.

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Dog Health Issues - Description of Kennel Cough
The term "Kennel Cough" is the common name used for Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis. This grand title relates to the prime sign - coughing localized to the trachea (wind pipe) and bronchi (within the lungs). It is also known as Bordetellosis, or Bordetella. Kennel Cough a worldwide upper respiratory disease caused by several different viruses and bacteria.

A high percentage of dogs contract Kennel Cough during their lifetime. In the majority of cases the disease is not serious in itself but it can lead to some dogs developing life- threatening complications.

Dog Health Issues - Kennel Cough Facts
The term Kennel Cough is misleading - this highly prevalent disease can be contracted by dogs who have never been near a kennel! Dogs can pick up the disease in a variety of situations including:

  • Dog Shows
  • Dog Groomers
  • Training Classes
  • Veterinary Clinics
  • Contact of any kind with other dogs
  • Out on walks
  • Passing Dogs in the street

Dog Health Questions - Dogs susceptible to Kennel Cough
Avoiding sources of Kennel Cough is extremely unlikely and this why it is imperative that dogs are vaccinated to help to provide protection from the disease and to help reduce the severity and frequency. All breeds of dogs are susceptible to Kennel Cough but the majority of dogs who contract the disease are those that have not been vaccinated, including young puppies.

Dog Health Problems - Symptoms of Kennel Cough
Kennel Cough can be marked by some, not necessarily all, of the following symptoms:

  • Dry hacking cough - described as 'honking'
  • Wheezing
  • Retching
  • Described as "something caught in his throat"
  • Watery nasal and or eye discharge
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Fever

Dog Health Questions - Kennel Cough Causes
Various agents can contribute to the disease process but it is usual for Kennel Cough to be the result of more than one organism. The disease is therefore caused by several different viruses and bacteria which include:

  • Bordetella bronchiseptica (airborne bacteria)

  • Canine parainfluenza (virus)

  • Mycoplasma (an organism between a virus and a bacteria)

Dog Health Information - Treatment of Kennel Cough
The treatment of the disease is dependent on the severity of the case but can include the use of cough suppressants, antibiotics, bronchodilators and sprays. The bedding of the dog should be washed frequently and if the dog is in a kennel strict attention should be paid to the sufficient and regular ventilation ensuring  fresh air.

Dog Health Advice
We hope that the canine health information and dog health advice has been of some assistance. But please remember that if you are in doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Health Specialist.

Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems
The sole purpose of the Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems is as a reference manual to provide useful information to dog and puppy owners. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat sick dogs or as a substitute for obtaining professional veterinary advice. Please remember that if you are in any doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Veterinary Specialist immediately.

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