Nursery Rhymes

"Trichuris vulpis"

These large worms are named after their shape and live by sucking blood from your dogs large intestine

Picture of a Dog Skeleton

Dog Health Issues - Description of Whipworms ( Trichuris vulpis )
It is not surprising that Whipworms are often referred to in two separate words as in Whip Worms because the description of these parasites is that they look like a stock whip. These types of worms are called Trichuris vulpis. Whipworms measure between 1.75 to 3 inches long and live in the dog's large intestine and lives off the blood of the dog.

There are many different types of dog and puppy parasites and most puppies are born infested with the 'worms'. The generic term "worms" is usually used to describe Roundworms - the most common of all the canine worms.

Internal Worms - live off the dogs
Worms, including the Whipworm are the common name for Canine parasites which exist internally and externally. As internal parasites they live off the puppy or dog robbing them of vital nutrients needed to stay healthy. Left untreated, intestinal parasites will stunt the growth and weaken young puppies. External parasites  eggs or larvae are shed into the environment via feces and infect other dogs.

Dog Health Problems - Transmission of Worms including Whipworms
There are several species of whipworms and they are transmitted eating infective eggs or larvae which live in the soil or in small rodents. They can only be detected by investigating a stool sample.

Dog Health Problems - Symptoms of Whipworms
The symptoms of Whipworms are not always apparent but can include the following:

  • Anaemia
  • Weight loss
  • Apathy
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea

Dog Health Questions - Dogs susceptible to Whipworms
Dogs are susceptible to  worms, including Whipworms, at all ages of dogs but the greatest frequency is found in puppies. These particularly refer to the Tapeworms and the Roundworms. Worms are typically found in babies and puppies, whilst tapeworms are more common in older dogs.

Dog Health Issues - Different Types of Worms
There are several types of parasites, or worms, which affect pets and are as follows:

Roundworms also referred to as Round worms - (Called Ascarids)
Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis)
Tapeworms also referred to as Tape worms (Dipylidium caninum)
Hookworms also referred to as Hook worms (Ancylostoma caninum)

Dog Health Advice
We hope that the canine health information and dog health advice has been of some assistance. But please remember that if you are in doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Health Specialist.

Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems
The sole purpose of the Online Encyclopaedia of Common Dog Health Problems is as a reference manual to provide useful information to dog and puppy owners. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat sick dogs or as a substitute for obtaining professional veterinary advice. Please remember that if you are in any doubt about your Dog's Health please consult your Canine Veterinary Specialist immediately.

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